Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs 2 Satisfies Your Craving

In a Nutshell:  “Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2”.  Swallow Falls has evolved into an island inhabited of living food creatures, triggered by a machine that young scientist Flint Lockwood designed in the first movie.  Flint returns to his … Continued

Captain Phillips receives heroic praise

Movie Title:  Captain Phillips In a Nutshell:  This intense docudrama of the Maersk Alabama hijacking keeps you on the edge of your seat, an especially impressive feat, considering the movie is over two hours long.  I kept imagining myself in … Continued

Gravity takes off at the box office

posted in: Action, Drama, Science Fiction | 0

Movie Title: Gravity     In a Nutshell: Wow. How did they film that? Gorgeous. Simply stunning. A feast for the eyes. Things I liked: I loved it when Sandra Bullock (SPOILER ALERT) finally gets back into the capsule, strips … Continued

Planes takes a nose dive for Disney

posted in: Animated, Children, Comedy, Fantasy, Sports | 0

If Planes was about a bomber, then it would be mission accomplished. The voice talents of Dane Cook, Stacy Keach, John Cleese, Brad Garrett, and Priyanka Chopra are the best things about the movie Planes, a Disney release, but NOT … Continued

The depressing, yet inspiring Road

We all swooned and fell in love with Viggo Mortenson in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, but you’ve never seen him like this.   In The Road, Viggo plays a wilted father who travels to the coast in the south … Continued

Grown Ups 2 is a waste of your money and time

posted in: Comedy | 1

Well, I hate to disappoint you, but Grown Ups 2 isn’t going to win any Oscar’s.  Big surprise, right?  While the first installment of Adam Sandler and his buddies pretending to be responsible parents was a fun, goofy flick, this … Continued

The Wolverine shows summer movie-goers what a fun superhero movie should look like

Don’t you just love Hugh Jackman?  He’s like an action figure that can sing and dance.   The Wolverine is a journey into one of X-Men’s most conflicted and developed characters on screen.  If you love Wolverine, you’re going to love … Continued

Little Tykes will love Turbo

posted in: Animated, Children, Comedy, Sports | 0

Turbo is an example of a trailer that didn’t make the movie look as good as it is.  I mean, a movie about a fast garden snail?  Unlike Ryan Reynold’s other movie released this weekend, R.I.P.D., this fun flick is … Continued