Spider-Man Far From Home movie review

MOVIE TITLE:   Spider-Man: Far From Home  RATING: PG-13 LENGTH:  2 hours, 9 minutes  Movie Review Mom GRADE:  A   IN A NUTSHELL: FOS Unite!  (Friends of Spider-Man)  Welcome to the post-Avengers Endgame world.  After the last two very dramatic Avengers … Continued

Avengers Endgame movie review

MOVIE TITLE:  Marvel Studios’ Avengers: Endgame  RATING: PG-13  LENGTH: 3 hours, 1 minute Movie Review Mom GRADE:  A  (It would be a crime to give it anything less, right?) IN A NUTSHELL:  #ThanosDemandsYourSilence has been requested by the Russo brothers, … Continued

Captain Marvel movie review

MOVIE TITLE:   Captain Marvel  RATING: PG-13  LENGTH: 2 hours 4 minutes  Movie Review Mom GRADE:  B-   IN A NUTSHELL:   This controversial superhero movie has comic book fans debating the actress choice for Captain Marvel, since the character has traditionally … Continued

Ant Man and the Wasp movie review

Movie Title:  Ant-Man and the Wasp    Grade:  A-   Rating: PG-13, 118 minutes   In a Nutshell:  After the devastating ending of the Avengers: Infinity War, this lighthearted and refreshing Marvel movie makes us feel better and reminds us … Continued

Doctor Strange works magic at the box office

Movie Title:     Doctor Strange Grade: A Rating:  PG-13, 130 minutes In a Nutshell:    Cheers to the Marvel Cinematic Universe for introducing another interesting superhero to the Big Screen. I had never read the comic books, so I was curious to … Continued